Saturday, May 19, 2012

Have You Seen My Mojo?

Oh Friends, I think I've lost my blogging mojo.  I'm really struggling to get myself to write posts.  I often think about it, but actually putting ideas and words to paper computer screen is frustratingly difficult these days.  I think I can blame some of this on discovering pinterest and reddit, as they now take up the internet time I would have heretofore spent on the blog.  There is also the factor of having three very busy children to chase after, a house that seems to be in a permanent state of disorder (I feel like I spend half the day cleaning the bleepity-bleepin' kitchen and it STILL looks like a disaster when I wake up in the morning), a half-marathon that needs training for (mum and I signed up for the Niagara Half Marathon in October!), friends that I need to hang out with, books that need to be read, yoga that needs to be mastered....I think you're getting the picture.  Life is just so very full.  I'm almost sinking, but I think I'm still kind of afloat.  

But the guilt!  Oh the guilt!  I feel terrible that the blog is so neglected.  I'm not chronicling all things Elly like I did with the boys!  The Boys are so BIG and so talkative and so fascinating and frustrating and hilarious and wonderful!  And I'm not able to record every single minute of it here to share with everyone.  Maybe that's a good thing.  I dunno.  I need to find some kind of blogging balance.  Maybe I should set some goals or something?  I'll have to think this through.  Because I'm not happy with not writing, but I'm not happy with feeling forced to write.  Something's gotta give here.  I'm sure I'll work it all out, but I just needed to get all this angst off my chest so I can move forward in whatever direction I seem to be whirling towards.  

In the meantime, I thought you might like to see these photos of the kids being crazy in the backyard last weekend. They were full of energy right after dinner and needed to race it all off.  Apparently, clothing was optional.


  1. LOVED the post and pictures. Oh my. I loved the Ninja photo and the one of the boys hugging Elly.

    You are AWESOME. So lucky you are my friend:) xo

  2. What super photos! Loved them all, each one showing such a different aspect to their personalities and interaction. They'll love these (or hate them passionately!) when they're older.

    Really hope you find some creative way to balance out all the things you want to do and hope that blogging is still one of them because we still enjoy reading about you all so much.
