Sunday, April 10, 2011

Yip & Weekend Update

William is doing much better, thank you to everyone for your emails and your concern.  We had a couple of iffy days on Thursday and Friday when his lip was so swollen he looked like a character from The Simpsons (I'm thinking Moe), and a trip to the pediatrician revealed an infection.  Sheesh.  Thankfully antibiotics kicked that infection's butt and by this morning he looked almost normal.  The poor kid went through a lot this week.  I think we all did.  And over what essentially was just a small cut.  Owen and Elly definitely showed signs of feeling neglected.  Again, I say sheesh.   But he'll be heading back to school tomorrow (much to his disgust) and we'll try to get back to our routine.

We did have some fun this week, despite all the crazy.  The weather warmed up and we were able to get outside in the backyard, Elly practiced her new walking skills (I say practiced, we're not quite there yet!) and the boys got to go to the movies for the first time ever!  Auntie Lainey and her daughter Katharine took them to see Hop today and apart from some initial nerves on Will's part about going without me, they had a blast.  I think the endless bucket of popcorn definitely helped.

Here are some shot from the weekend:

Moe, uh, I mean William, on Friday

I call this the Deer Caught In The Headlights With A Nasty Mouth Wound look

Cute stuff standing up. Think she knows it?

I knew he was feeling better on Saturday when he put this outfit on and ran around like a wild animal.  He looks a little grumpy here, but he was having fun.  Honest.

And the other superhero who was getting his 1980s groove on.

Still loving the dishwasher.

I so love this outfit.  Hand-me-downs from Abigail that are just so cute!  As for the little walker, Elly has been going up and down the living room with it and is slowly gaining confidence in her walking abilities.  She'll even walk holding just one of my hands, but she looks pretty wobbly doing it. Taking it one step at a time really does mean something, doesn't it?

Hurray for sunshine!  Here are the boys playing on their balance bikes in the backyard.  They weren't so keen on these bikes last year, but are really getting the hang of them now.  I think we might have them use them until the summer and then get proper bikes with pedals once they perfect their balance and see how they go.

Elly is adorable in the garden.  She doesn't like the feel of the grass on her hands, so she refuses to crawl and just sits wherever you place her, looking fairly put out.  But if you place her walker in front of her, away she goes!  Oh, and she may be headed to soccer stardom.  She was kicking the ball around.  Can't quite walk yet, but can kick a soccer ball. 

 And finally, a little video of Elly and her best bud, Caleb.  They're two months and one day apart.  I just love how excited they are to see each other and how Caleb keeps turning his head to figure out what's going on with the camera.


  1. Waow Pascale, when did everyone get so big? What a gorgeous girl Elly is turning out to be. Thanks for all the pics.

  2. I agree - when DID everyone get so big? The picture is Owen in his green jimmerjammer/pants on head outfit where he looks the spit of David. Great to chat with you so much these last few days and a special bonus to get to see the kids. That made Tim's day! xxx
