Monday, April 25, 2011

Lucky Lambies

Our kids are so lucky.  We've gone and spoiled them.  We bought the coolest, biggest, funnest (I know, I know, not a word) play structure in the world and Mark and his dad spent the holiday weekend assembling it.  I don't think they appreciate quite how lucky they are or just how much work went into this build (Mark likened it to building a small house), but I hope they have lots of fun with it!

It started on Friday with measurements and preparing the site.

Then lots of digging, because we need to put in drainage and we need to level the ground.
 Elly was supervising the workers.
 Will and Owen were thrilled with their own little mountain
 I can't tell you how muddy everyone was by the end of the first day.
 Day two involved lots and lots of consulting of the instructions. 

Will and Owen were quite busy getting in the way and stealing tools.  I have no idea what they were doing with the hammers, but I'm sure it wasn't to code.

By the end of the day, a bench, a climbing wall & ladder and the main frame were complete.  I think it was a bit of a frustrating second day because it seemed to go so slowly.  Maybe it was just frustrating to me?  Everyone slept well that night though thanks to all the fresh air and hard work, so it wasn't all bad.

Susan & Will sitting on the new bench, Elly guarding a variety of bits and bobs that will eventually make up the swing set.

The third day seemed much more productive - walls went up, roof lines were visible, doors & windows attached.  It was starting to look like an actual play structure.  Our thoughts at the end of the day?  Holy crap, its big.

And finally, on the last day, as rainclouds loomed overhead, the slide and swings were put into place.  And then the heavens opened and the weatherman said its going to rain for the next week.  So...the boys have to wait a little while longer to use it and we need about three weekends of intense landscaping to make it look a little prettier out there. Drainage stones, landscaping fabric and then wood chips will be going down below the climbing frame and we hope to make a raised bed behind it, along the fence line, planted with shade-loving hostas

As for the boys, well...they're already planning a big party for all their friends to come and help inaugurate the new addition to our home.  Your invitation is on its way, I'm sure.


  1. WOWOWOWOWOW AND WOW again. The boy are asleep so I haven't shown them yet but I know what they are going to say..."When can go there mommy?"

    It looks gorgeous. Great job everyone! Btw, we will bring the marching band if you would like:)

  2. Awesome! Abby would be strapping on her rain gear right now if I showed her the photo. Great job, Mark and Bill (and all the supporting crew members!)

  3. Wow! What an achievement! I am impressed by the thorough preparation involved let alone the actual putting it all together! Those boys and girly girl are extremely lucky. xx
