Friday, September 7, 2012


I'm in a tiny state of shock, I believe.  Not only are the boys almost six years old and in grade one, but their teensy weensy baby sister, the one I gave birth to, like, uh, yesterday, started preschool this morning.  Yuh.  I know, right?  Shock.

But Elly was definitely ready to go, has been excited about it since before the summer and has been telling everyone and anyone that she's going to 'kool wiv Cayeb'.  Yes, we're pretty lucky, Elly's going to school with one of her BFFs, Caleb.  The two of them were quite adorable this week as we dropped the "biggies" off at school (Abby is now in JK at the same school as Will and Owen, so all three are quite excited to see each other there on a daily basis), hanging out in the playground, holding hands and talking to each other about 'kool'.

We got these two adorable photos of them the other day, and realised even if we didn't get a cute photo of them on the first day of school, these shots would make us happy nonetheless!

So cute!  We love these two together, even if they can be a little on the crazy Alpha Second Born Child side of things from time to time.  Yes, they have been known to brawl a little, but when they play nicely, its so very, very nice.

But back to today.  I did manage to get a quick photo of Elly as we raced out the door this morning.  Isn't she adorable in her new fuchsia pink shoes and hand-me-down backpack (she's so blonde these days she's almost neon.  She literally glows in the dark)?

We drove over to Amber and Jon's house, where their lovely nanny Ginette walked the three bigs over to school (first day Owen didn't cry going in to school!  Woohoo!) and we drove the ten minutes to their preschool.  Thank goodness we've got car seats coming out the ying-yang, we can easily split up who drops off and picks up the kids, depending on everyone's schedules.

 Anyway, the two of them seemed fine going into the school, immediately started playing with the toys they saw once they went in, and once Amber and I had a quick chat with the teachers to let them know that these two were well acquainted and could comfort each other should the need arise, we told them littlies it was time to give us a kiss bye bye.  Elly said "ok" and kissed us both, but Caleb looked a bit stunned at the news and kind of gave us both a strange little kiss as if he wasn't quite sure why we would be asking for one.  Then we waved and walked out and proceeded to spend the next two and a half hours in Starbucks swinging wildly from "What have we DONE?!  We've abandoned our babies!" to "They looked fine, they'll be fine, they were ready for school."

Amber and I drove back to the school fifteen minutes before pickup time so we could spy on the kids in the playground before going to get them.  Needless to say, they were both very happily playing, mowing the astroturf with matching plastic lawnmowers.  It was cute to watch them interact with each other and the teachers and to see them so happy.

As soon as we went to the gate, they both came running over with big smiles, and their teachers told us they'd done really, really well.  Hurray!  Caleb was pretty tired out though and almost fell asleep in the car.  Elly was just excited to get home and eat lunch.  Such a Pergant.

When we picked the boys up from school later on, it seemed only right to celebrate the first week of school with an ice cream cone.  Here are my three very tired, but fairly happy kiddos.  Okay, maybe only Elly looks happy in this photo, but I did try to get them all to smile.  Owen just snarled at me that he was "trying to eat my ice cream!  Stop asking me to smile!", so I took what I could get. 

And now they're all in bed, we have a nice weekend en famille to look forward to and then....we get to do it all again. 

Hopefully, though, next week will see the beginnings of our new fall routine taking shape and some semblance of calm will emerge.  And I will bask in the silence instead of sitting in Starbucks thinking "Where have my babies gone?!"

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day Of The First Grade

So my guys started grade one today and I'm feeling a little sad.  

If you'd asked me how I was going to feel about today over the summer, I would have said very excited, looking forward to time to myself, getting things done, get these noisy kids out of my hair, etc, etc.  I'd also tell you that the boys being in full days wasn't that big a deal because, although SK was only half days, they'd done full days at their first school for JK.  No problemo.  If you'd asked Owen how he was going to feel about today he would have immediately gone pale, his eyes would have reddened and he would have said not good, I don't want to go, full days are too long, I'm scared of the big kids.  William would have said I'm looking forward to seeing my friends again, what are you packing for snack? 

This morning, they both continued to say much the same thing and although I was smiling on the outside, I think the stressed out child that Owen has become in the week leading up to this first day has taken its toll and I was feeling quite heavy hearted.  Actually, I think I've been feeling that way all weekend, but trying not to show it to the kids.  I didn't need to add to Owen's emotions, that's for sure.  When I went grocery shopping on Sunday to get all the lunch-making things I would need for this week, I suddenly felt quite overwhelmed that the boys would be gone all day.  I had to take a moment to gather myself.  I felt a little silly feeling so dramatic in the cereal aisle, I must admit, but I did a little nod of the head to myself to acknowledge how I was feeling and then moved on to the dairy section.  And then last night, once the kids were fast asleep (the boys were cuddled up close to each other in their sleep, little blond heads touching, it was very sweet), I lay awake for ages, worrying over everything and nothing and trying to plan the best way to deal with Owen in the morning, knowing he was sure to cry.  I thought about how little they really are as well as how big they've become.  Basically, I stewed in my motherly sadness and didn't fall asleep for ages. 

But back to this morning.  We were all organised and ready to go on time, thank goodness.  Mark came with us too, which was great, because we needed him once we got to school.  Before leaving, I took the customary first day photos, along with the first day sibling hug!

 Matching toothless smiles...

For those of you who aren't sure, that's William with the blue backpack and Owen with the green. 

 Elly decides to get in on some of this hugging action

Drop off was a little crazy in the schoolyard and Owen pretty much started crying two minutes after we got there.  He cried on and off for the duration.  I got lots of sympathetic looks from other parents, but I was quite surprised not to see anyone else crying.  A few pale faces, but no other tears.   Mark took Elly and Will and realised we were all supposed to be in another section of the schoolyard, so we all wandered over there and saw the teachers names taped to the side of the school so we could form lines.  The boys are once again in separate classes, as per our request, so I had Mark stand two rows over with William whilst I stood trying to be a calming presence for Owen in his line.  I hugged him every now and then and explained that it was loud and disorganised today because it was the first day and even the teachers were trying to figure it all out, but it didn't seem to help much.  

Finally, after much waiting, the school bell rang and each class was led in one by one by their teachers.  Except Owen's class because his teacher wasn't there.  I'm not sure where he was exactly, but thankfully the wonderful, amazing principal, Mr K was there and he started to lead Owen's group in.  Owen completely broke down as he saw the kids in front of him walking away, and I hugged him again and gently pushed him along, saying "You have to go, Owen, its okay, I'll see you at the end of the day." To his credit, he did start walking, but he was really upset at this point.  And that is when Mr. K looked up, saw his tears and said, "Hey buddy, you come with me, you'll be my special helper."  I could have kissed the man as he took Owen's hand and brought him to the front of the line.  And in Owen went.  Whewf.  I breathed a huge, heavy sigh as I watched him go in, knowing he was so sad and that I wouldn't be able to help him through it for the rest of the day.  

I turned to William's line and saw him looking a little pale still, but pretty much his usual self.  I smiled and pointed out his lovely looking young teacher and gave him a final hug before he went on his way.  Funny how they're so different.  

Just as I was turning to go to my car, I saw the Principal come back out to the yard and went up to him.  "That was my little blond crying guy you helped into school this morning," I said, "Thank you so much, that meant a lot to me for you to take his hand when I couldn't."  He smiled and told me that as they walked in, he'd said to Owen "Its okay, I cried twice this morning!" and Owen looked up at him in amazement and said 'You did?!" Mr K told me Owen had calmed down once they got through the doors and gave me a reassuring pat.  Thank goodness for the ones that care.

So after that, nothing left for Elly-belly and I to do but go off on our own little adventure to the mall (okay, okay, I bought myself some makeup to make me feel better.  Yes, I am that shallow) and Costco and then come home to eat lunch and wait until we can go pick our favorite Grade Ones up from school.  Sigh.

Is it time yet?


Why is it so quiet in here?!

I miss my noisy kids.  


How about now?