Monday, February 21, 2011

Toothy Trauma

My poor girl had a bit of a dramatic return from our vacation last weekend.  Lately she loves to climb into, onto and under things, pulls herself up with ease and cruises around the couches and cupboards.  She's a busy lady.  Don't forget this is the kid who wouldn't stop jumping and jiving throughout her sojourn in my belly.  So on Saturday morning, Elly was performing her usual exercises, moving in and out of her car seat which was on the floor at my feet.  But of course I hadn't stabilised it by pushing the handle down onto the floor, thus making it quite tippy.  Can you see where this is leading yet?  You guessed it.  The whole thing tipped forward and down went Elliot Anne, face first onto our very hard kitchen tiles.  She cried, naturally, but was soon comforted, and since I saw no signs of blood, I assumed it was nothing.

Fast forward two hours later, as I get Elly up from her nap and place her on the change table.  She smiles up and me and OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HER TOOTH???!!!

She broke it. I found its smashed remains on the floor.  I cried my eyes out, called Mark at work, called my dentist and then calmed down.  Then I cried some more.  Elly of course, was fine - a chipped tooth really isn't that big of a deal - but the shock of seeing it all rough and jagged and not at all the way it was before and oh! the pain she must have felt when she hit her mouth and I am a terrible mother how could I let this happen to my sweet, sweet get the picture.  I was upset.  

Thankfully a trip to the dentist that afternoon calmed me down, as she reassured me no nerves were poking out and was able to file down the sharpest parts so Elly wouldn't cut her tongue or her forever-jammed-into-her-mouth-fingers.  The dentist told me what to watch for over the next few days (the tooth turning black - a good sign, although it means its dead;  the tooth turning pink - a bad sign, it means the tooth is eating itself; a bump or bubble on the gumline above the tooth - a bad sign as it means infection or nothing at all, which is obviously a good sign) and so far all has been well.  

And the evil car seat is not allowed to play with Elly anymore.

My little Pirate Princess, quite content with her new look


And a close up of the snaggle-tooth.  

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