Monday, January 17, 2011

And Away We Go!

I asked, you answered, I listened.

Et voila! The new blog!

Thank you so much, wonderful readers, for your input.  I hope you like the new look as much as I do!

You'll notice that I haven't brought over the content from Waiting For Bob, because I realised after talking to Mark that I could potentially lose some readers who weren't aware of a name change, and I thought it might be too sad to say goodbye to WFB forever.  So instead, I've kept it as a separate blog (albeit one I will no longer add to), but  one we can return to over and over again to stroll down memory lane.  Just click on the link on the left hand side of this blog. 

Might I recommend revisiting such wonderful dates as December 8th, 2008, March 31st, 2009, June 28th, 2009 to remember the boys in quieter, less four-ish times.

Oh, and have you scrolled all the way down to the bottom of the blog?


  1. LOVE IT! Love everything about the new look - the name, the awesome picture of the boys with pull-ups (swim diapers?) on their heads and, of course, Princess Elly!
    Looking forward to more, my amazing blogging buddy.


  2. Love the new format! Can we follow you on Twitter for real-time Mumma Bumma updates? I hope you can find some way of saving WFB for posterity - can it just sit out there in cyberspace indefinitely? Can't wait to see what adventures you will tell us about in the new blog. xxx

  3. Great to "see" you again! It's all looking good, and just as long as you promise to keep on writing, it's all fine by me :-)

  4. Change is a good thing! I will follow you guys wherever you go!

  5. LOL - did you pose the boys like that or were they just simultaneously cross with you. Soooo funny. Having witnessed one of the"MummaBumma!" outbursts, it will make me laugh every time I read it and hear Owen's voice in my head. LOL

  6. Oh Pasc ... I remember that Princess Elly look (you can say what you like but i'm doing it my way) just wait until she reaches the 4s her rebellion will be more like yours than the boys, subversive and implacable.
    Love the new look Blog especially the photos.
    Have you considered an A to Z of childrens books this time (Titles or Authors)...just a thought I really enjoyed the last marathon read and the boys will be starting soon if they haven't already
    Love always Xxxxx

  7. Thanks for the comments everyone. Glad you like the look. The photo of the boys was actually taken before Elly was born and they agreed to pose like that after I caught them with those pull-ups on their heads. Little did I know I would be seeing that same expression on a daily basis.
    And Paddy, its funny you should mention a Children's A to Z because I'm currently re-reading all the Harry Potters (and will then watch all the movies too). I think they're still a little too old for the boys, but I'm really looking forward to the day we can start reading (and loving) chapter books together. We've got Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little and The Trumpet of the Swan by EB White as well, which we had an attempt at reading, but attention spans aren't quite there yet.
    And as for twitter, Elle, I just don't think I'm a twitter kind of girl. A twit, maybe, but not a twitterer.
