Oh sweet girl, Happy Birthday. You turn four years old today, which sounds rather grown up to me, especially as I look through all these baby photos of you.
Look how teeny weeny you were four years ago!
And four years later you are bigger, but you still sleep the same way.
When you're asleep, when you've finally stopped talking for the day,
when your wriggling, dancing, running, jumping, shouting body has
finally slowed down enough so I can really look at you, I see your
perfect little face and body and its all I can do to stop myself from
picking you up and cuddling you until morning. Thankfully something in
my brain tells me you'll be up sooner rather than later and I should
probably enjoy what little sleep you'll let me have and we'll have that
cuddle in the
You love to cuddle with your Daddy too. At the moment he's actually your favorite person in the house. If Daddy's around, I might as well not even bother! Every night you request demand to sit next to Daddy at dinner. Every night you wonder inform us that Daddy will be reading you a fairy story and cuddling with you in bed. He sometimes pretends to be a little tired of this arrangement - I don't think fairy stories are really his cup of tea - but I'm positive he loves your hugs as much as you love to give them.

You're a pretty busy bee these days. You're at preschool three mornings a week with your besties Caleb and friend Miles. You've known them since you were a baby. I think this is the earliest photo of you and Caleb. Kinda sums up your relationship, doesn't it? You can't live with him and you can't live without him most days.
And here you are with Miles, having a little discussion about your favorite time to wake your mummies up.
When you're not at preschool you're into lots of fun activities like swimming and dancing. Sometimes you like to multitask by dancing whilst wearing your swimsuit.
Your independence is flourishing, as it should at this age. We hear a lot of "no, I can DO it! All by MYSELF!!" Unless its cleaning your room, which generally leads to tears and you informing us that in fact you're still a baby and you couldn't possibly clean this mess up all by yourself. But you're a pretty resilient little monkey and you've figured out how to shove most of your toys and clothes and hair elastics and rocks and scraps of paper and twigs and ribbons and whatever else you've collected during the day into purses and grocery bags and backpacks for us to find later. Your collections and your "cleaning" of said collections are fairly epic.
You've had some pretty awesome adventures this year too, El. We went to France, where you fell in love with barefoot living, suntanning, Orangina and chocolate mousse.
With your little blonde bob, your summery dresses and your perfect pout, I think you truly immersed yourself into the french culture. Bravo, cherie!
In the winter months, you screamed your way through your first few attempts at ice skating, but grinned your way through tobogganing. Apparently we should plan for the bobsled rather than ice dance as your event for the 2030 Olympics.
The other thing, or should I say things, that tend to make you scream a lot are your brothers. You're either screaming in frustration or screaming with laughter. The three of you are quite something these days. When you're playing nicely with William and Owen it is the sweetest, cutest and nicest part of my day. I love how you thoughtfully pack their lunches into their schoolbags for them, or how you can't wait to tell them about your day when they come home. I love how they read to you and how they let you win games, just like Uncle David used to do for me. I'm hoping that you turning four means we'll have more of these awesome sibling moments, rather than the other, more angry, yelly, hitty, bitey stuff we sometimes have going on.
But I do think four is going to be fun for us, Elly. Four is going to mean a lot more big girl stuff and a lot more chatter and a lot more Elly! And who could ask for anything more?
Happy Birthday, shining star. I love you to the moon and back!